10 Reasons To Buy A TruckVault Storage System

For over 25 years, TruckVault® has been committed to providing high quality storage systems to help keep our customers' valuable and firearms out of the wrong hands. There are many reasons why so many law enforcement agencies, hunters, businesses, etc. trust our company with their belongings, we decided to outline 10 of what we think are the best reasons to buy a TruckVault storage system.

  1. HEAVY-DUTY PUSH BUTTON LOCKS // Five-button combination locks with key override for easy access and premium protection and security. This isn't our only lock however, check out the other options here.

  2. PREVENTS HARMFUL MOISTURE // Stopping potentially damaging condensation brought on from the elements. Note: the water-resistant products are available in our All-Weather Line.

  3. PROTECTS FROM DUST AND DIRT // TruckVault drawers protect from dust, dirt, and grit with tightly sealed drawers. Learn more about our most weather resistant line of products, the All-Weather Line.

  4. STRONGER AND LIGHTER // Constructed of extremely tough MDO, TruckVault units are stronger than metal or plastic and travel silently.

  5. PROVEN FIRE RESISTANCE // A TruckVault system insulates stored equipment from heat and fire damage. Don't believe us? Check out our Burn Test results.

  6. PROTECTION FROM THEFT & BREAK-INS // A TruckVault design is engineered to resist break-ins and the low-profile models are built to resemble the floor of your vehicle.

  7. A FIT FOR EVERY VEHICLE // Each TruckVault system is built to fit the vehicle it's ordered for ensuring a perfect fit every time.

  8. SIMPLE INSTALLATION // Nearly every model of TruckVault products can be installed in under an hour, and usually includes everything you'll need for the job.

  9. CUSTOM CAPABILITIES // TruckVault frequently engineers custom solutions to meet individual needs.

  10. LIFETIME CUSTOMER WARRANTY // Trouble-free operation guaranteed as long as you own your vehicle. Warranty may be transferred (original purchaser only) to new vehicle. Locks have a one-year limited warranty from the lock manufacturer.

We hope this list gives you some insight as to what makes our TruckVault storage systems great. What are some reasons you bought your TruckVault system? Shoot us an email anytime at truckvault@truckvault.com.