It can be said that our company started by accident, we like to think it was born out of necessity. Twenty-three years ago our company founder and CEO, Al Chandler, was running a team of sub-contractors on a job in Seattle building a high end custom home. He arrived on the job site and noticed one of his guys was removing tools from a rudimentary plywood locking drawer system out of the back of his van. When asked about this crude but efficient contraption his employee responded, “I was getting pretty tired of guys borrowing or taking tools from my van and not returning them.” The seed of invention was now firmly planted in Al’s mind.

Al expanded on what he had seen that day and built a unit for his pickup. Not to tote along tools, mind you, but rather to carry and secure his shotguns, hunting rifles and bows, as well as any other valuable gear. Soon, his hunting buddies were seeing this locking drawer system as something they needed and before he knew it, Al Chandler was in business. Al then gave the product a name…TruckVault. In the early days the product was built exactly as the name implies… locking storage “vaults” built for “trucks”. But at an NRA show in 1995, a customer came up to our booth and asked if we would consider building a product for the back end of an SUV. An SUV vault? Al shrugged off the idea at the time, but a curious engineer back at the plant decided to take the thought when it was mentioned to him and pen some designs. It was that original design that launched us into the Public Safety market and we haven’t looked back since.

TruckVault has made many friends over the last 20+ years and we plan to make many more. When you commit to our company, we commit to you… you can expect more from a TruckVault product and we will make sure you will not be disappointed.