Organizing Your TruckVault During The COVID-19 Crisis

The COVID-19 crisis has all of our worlds turned upside down. There is virtually no sector of the planet that has not been affected by this pandemic. I feel fortunate that our company has been classified an essential business, but even with that, many changes to our daily work routine and lives in general have been put in place with social distancing being paramount.

For me, working remotely is both good and bad. It requires strong discipline and good communication skills to get things done. And while a great portion of my day is dedicated to work, I also find that I am tasked with more home projects. After all the responsible thing to do during this crisis is stay home and stay healthy. Because my wife is a Dental Hygienist she has been out of work since the beginning of all of thisand with little to do work wise, house projects and organizing is her thing which becomes my thing! So what do you do when all your home projects are complete? I mean the lawn is perfect, the flower beds are weeded, the new light fixtures are up and the kitchen remodel is done, the two broken pickets on the fence are fixed, decks pressure washed…well you get the picture. In my opinion a good thing to do is turn to your TruckVault system and reorganize it!

I always find that there is something to be done in my TruckVault drawers. The versatility of my drawer system is something I have always loved. A good portion of what I keep stored is static. In my off-set drawer configuration I always carry a certain amount of medical/first aid equipment both for people and dogs, survival gear, tools and that sort of thing. I normally carry batteries for instance and some high energy snack food that can expire and need to be changed out. These items along with other things are in the large drawer of my TruckVault system since they remain there year-round.

On the smaller drawer side is where things change especially when hunting season (for me primarily waterfowl and upland bird) is not in session. Here, the firearms and ammo get replaced by camera equipment, fishing gear, or mountain bike equipment on a pretty regular basis. I may carry more dog training equipment as well in this drawer since Tucker and I are not actively hunting during the summer months. Things like dummy launchers and retrieving dummies get added to the mix where normally I may not be carrying them. It’s also good to have a good supply of “scooby snacks” on board.

Lastly, I think something folks don’t think about until they own a Truckvault system is how versatile they really are. Since we make this product for virtually every make and model of vehicle on the road, your options for secure in-vehicle storage are vast. The security and peace of mind that comes with a TruckVault purchase is certainly a primary reason most folks own one, but the organizational benefit of owning a TruckVasult is huge as well. 

Here's a few of our favorite builds from the years for your organization inspiration:

I hope this gave you few ideas for your TruckVault storage system. Stay healthy!